Sorry for the delay on posting this show. Jeff spilled beer in his computer earlier in the day and the computer was out of commission. These technical difficulties contributed to the delay in the posting. Enjoy our July 4th show a week late. Beers: Fremont Dark Star Stone Stochasticity Hifi Lofi Russian River Damnation 23 Denali Mother Elysian Superfuzz New Glarus Hometown Blonde Rankings: Jeff: 1. Denali 2. Elysian 3. Russian River 4. New Glarus 5. Stone 6. Fremont Greg: 1. Denali 2. Elysian 3. New Glarus 4. Russian River 5. Fremont 6. Stone Social: @craftbeerradio on Twitter CBR on Facebook CBR on Google+ Support CBR: Subscribe or Donate CBR Amazon Store Review CBR on iTunes Signup for Bluehost website hosting. Extras: Preshow Postshow