Beers Foley Brothers Pieces of Eight Side Project Grisette Modern Times Ice Twin Leaf Enter The Wild (the First Step) Aslin Bringing Sexy Back Old Bakery Porter Rankings: Jeff: 1. Twin Leaf 2. Old Bakery 3. Aslin 4. Side Project 5. Modern Times 6. Foley Brothers Greg: 1. Old Bakery 2. Twin Leaf 3. Modern Times 4. Side Project 5. Aslin 6. Foley Brothers Nick: 1. Old Bakery 2. Twin Leaf 3. Modern Times 4. Side Project 5. Aslin 6. Foley Brothers Erin: 1. Old Bakery 2. Modern Times 3. Aslin 4. Side Project 5. Twin Leaf 6. Foley Brothers Social: @craftbeerradio on Twitter CBR on Facebook CBR on Google+ Support CBR: Subscribe or Donate Review CBR on iTunes CBR Amazon Store Extras: Preshow Postshow