CBR 515: On Death Mountain

Craft Beer Radio covers a range of topics, from COVID-19 experiences to beer rankings and cocktail exploration. They also discuss bottle opener techniques and their visit to a reptile sanctuary. Stay tuned for more!

2023, Craft Beer Radio
Craft Beer Radio

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0:59:09 01

Long Summary

In this episode of Craft Beer Radio, the hosts Shannon, Jeff, and Greg share their experiences with COVID-19 and discuss the symptoms they faced. They then move on to their beer for the evening, Schu-Brew's 9th Anniversary Doppelbock aged in red wine barrels. They analyze the appearance, aroma, and taste of the beer, noting its reddish hue, wine barrel aroma, and tart cherry flavor. They discuss the pros and cons of warming up the flavor and share their curiosity about how the flavors will evolve. They also talk about assisting Craig in a bottle opener class and the challenges of teaching. They share their experiences and techniques in making bottle openers, emphasizing the importance of clear communication. They also mention their recent visit to a reptile sanctuary and their encounter with a large snake. They discuss the fear and enjoyment of being around snakes. The conversation shifts to their beer experiences with Oxbow Synthesis and Pizza Boy, describing the taste and flavors they detect. They reflect on their recent work trip to Arizona and discuss the increase in TSA pre-check leading to longer wait times at airports. They mention their participation in a fundraising event called hot wings hot ones, where they raised money for the food bank. They then share their experiences with Magnanimous Brewing's Death Mountain and other beers from Pizza Boy. They discuss the flavors and qualities of the beers, ranking them based on their preferences. They also mention their visit to a herptological sanctuary and share interesting facts about tortoises and turtles. The conversation continues with the exploration of different cocktails, including a whiskey cocktail inspired by a YouTube channel called How to Drink. They describe the ingredients and flavors, comparing it to an old fashioned. They discuss the challenges of measuring ingredients accurately and share their rankings of the different beers they tried. They express their enjoyment of the Death Mountain beer and recommend trying Oxbow Synthesis. They play a game of "Fuck, Marry, Kill" with different beers, engaging in playful banter about their choices. They end the episode by reminding listeners to tune in next time and join their discord for engagement and giveaways.

Brief Summary

In this episode of Craft Beer Radio, we discuss our experiences with COVID-19, analyze Schu-Brew's 9th Anniversary Doppelbock aged in red wine barrels, share our techniques in making bottle openers, talk about our visit to a reptile sanctuary, rank our beer experiences with Oxbow Synthesis and Pizza Boy, explore different cocktails, and play a game of "Fuck, Marry, Kill" with beers. Tune in for more!


Craft Beer Radio, COVID-19, Schu-Brew, 9th Anniversary Doppelbock, red wine barrels, bottle openers, reptile sanctuary, Oxbow Synthesis, Pizza Boy, cocktails, "Fuck, Marry, Kill"
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[0:08] Welcome to Craft Beer Radio, Episode 515, here on November 18th, 2023. I'm Shannon.

[0:17] Music.

[0:19] I'm Jeff.
I'm Greg. We had a stare down. I was like, I didn't want to talk over Greg and Greg didn't want to talk over me. And you know, in the old days, we would have done that over again, but not anymore.

[0:33] It's been a few weeks since we've done a show. Shannon and I caught COVID for the first time. That was that was a joy.
That was fun. That happened while I was in Arizona, right? Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. That was that week.
Two weeks. Went to a concert on Tuesday and got sick on Friday.
So what's COVID like? Socks.
It's, the first two, at least for Shannon and I, the first two nights of just not being able to sleep because you're hot, you're cold, you're achy, you're uncomfortable, that's the worst part. And you can't stop coughing.
Yeah, and then the cough just lingers for forever.
Like, I can still kind of feel it deep down, but it's not causing me to cough anymore. And it's been, what, four weeks or something.
Grab a beer over there, babe. Grab the shoo-brew. All right, shoo-brew.
Greg, you have some new bottle openers that you could use here. I do.
I'm afraid of these because they're very heavy, and I know these glass are not very conducive. Just open the bottle, man. I can do the pouring.
Well, you'd have to tell the audience Ta-da!
Where this bottle opener came from, Greg.
Well, we've actually had these on the show before because you guys made them.
These are railroad spikes that have been blacksmith, quote, unquote, into these.

[2:02] By me with just assistance. Yeah, we did it at the Barefoot Forge.
And as you know, last episode was all about Craig even titled Let Me Tell You About Craig. Greg got to be Craig tonight. I did.

[2:17] And so tonight let's talk about the beer. Let's not try not to talk about Craig all night.
Just like just some of the night, This is Schubert is 9th anniversary doppelbach aged in red wine barrels, Cabernet Sauvignon says on the side when you get more detail Cabernet Sauvignon.
I love all right, so the beer pours a It has a more reddish hue than you would expect maybe because psychology is making me think wine barrels But no, it's this brownish red.
So you've got a much more, Clearer Let's do the mixing. We should do some you got some guess some stratification going.
So we're gonna mixy mix mixy mix already get it all into a Yeah, it's more general amberness But yeah, yours definitely was like clear red highlights.

[3:18] So Doppelbock is, of course, a German-style double bock.
And a bock is a sweet, it's a malt-forward beer that is generally stronger in alcohol.
Generally stronger in alcohol Do we have an ABV listing on this one? You know, I think so.
I know yeah nine point one say just missed hitting there nine point over there Probably aiming for that.
I guess All right. So now it still has that British hue Greg's is just mine are mine's a little more murky and Greg's is a lot less murky.
Yeah Mine's a little more murky Oh, the aroma smells good.
So you get a combination of kind of grapey wine barrel, grape must, but then you get this like huge, like chewy bread pudding, kind of barley, like very bready barley dough.
Yeah, I think like bread pudding, bread pudding with an extra large amount of raisins in there, like occurrence like in some like maybe some um, cranberry like some uh, uh craisins like yeah mixed in there or something.

[4:41] It smells so good it does it smells really good and in a way that that's interesting, There's a candy smell in there that I I can't Can't place.
Yeah, I can't. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's um Something from way back.
It just takes me back to my childhood.
Any whoppers in there? The malted milk ball kind of thing? There's a bit of cherry.
Is it a Jolly Rancher? Okay, that's it.

[5:15] Doesn't taste anything like that smells It it doesn't cuz I had my head, Since we did the mixy mix the carbonation is kind of on the low side we lost a bunch of carbonation when we did that It has it's kind of cherry tart cherry up front.
You can see you guys Thought you know it lost you were expecting cherry jollo rancher and I lost it for me my main flavor I was expecting more malt, more toast, more bread.
And for me, it was like tart cherries up front.
I do taste that, it is tart cherries up front. It's, I'm trying to figure out if there, the other flavors in there, if it's more just like a kind of general sort of peach.
And, then the bread comes in, but like you said, Jeff, it's not as strong I mean, not as fulfilling as you might expect.
Well, I get the dryness from the bread crust, the...
Melanoidins? Yeah, yes, thank you. Also, I think some of the dryness is kind of from the tannins from the grape must, the scrapeskins. I would expect that, yeah.
Because the wine. The wine, yeah, it's that astringency is coming through.

[6:44] I think that's the thing that those tannins are doing a lot.
They're contributing to flavor, of course, and I guess there's some acidity that's coming from there, too, but it's that drying effect that astringent is doing.
So think about, like, I was getting that significant tart cherry up front, but you really don't get that kind of thing from, and cabernet, like you get a little bit of maybe subtle, like sweet baked cherry or something that usually, but tart kind of like cherry lambic type angle, or, you know, tart Michigan cherries.
I think it's how the grapey flavors are playing with the malt that's in there.
I think that's what turned it into cherry, because as it's warming a bit, the malt is coming through a little bit more, and it's kind of a connecting link between the different flavors. Okay, let's let it warm up then.
That's what I was wondering, is it going to be better?

[7:43] Is the flavor going to be enhanced if we warm it up a little bit?
It's a mixed bag based on what it is, right?
Because Doppelbachs, lagers, you typically drink those on the cooler side, but it's a bigger beer, which you typically drink on the warmer side.
And then there's this barrel-age thing, which usually is a warmer side thing too, so probably will benefit from warming up.
I mean, in terms of the lager richness, There's no crispness here, right?
There's none of that, the advantages that you get from lager beer. They're kind of lost.
Well, you get, I mean, so like the cleaner fermentation and like the lower esters from the ferment are kind of gonna get swamped out by the malt flavors in a regular Doppelbock.

[8:28] They're usually just big, porgy, chewy kind of beers. And for this time of year, good stuff. Yeah, it feels like, you know, and then you're putting it into a wine barrel.
So any of that like removal from muddiness is pretty much going to go away because all of that extra flavor and stuff that's adding into there is going to.
It's an interesting thought because you don't see very many box barrelage.
You would think scotch would be the way to go first.
You know, it should be more subtle and those smoky flavors probably would lean away. I think bourbon would be an interesting mix.
I do think scotch is primary throwing it in a red wine barrel is Probably not something I would have thought of I do think this is a good experiment I think a good beer came out of this.
It's It's a little defying traditional category flavors, But it is pulling some interesting flavors and I I think it's getting better as it's more than short of any expectations on what it should be, I think it is good.

[9:41] Yeah, so I am now going to be helping out Craig in his bottle opener class as kind of his assistant.
There was two of us there today and Annie was also, so kind of like helper in training.
But after this, I'll be helping out, I'll get my teaching fix back in.

[9:59] It was, the one this morning was a whirlwind and then at least doing it a second time with you know, your group, I felt more in control of the situation where this morning I just was like along for the ride.
It's, Shannon, one thing that was really hard was, you know, like I've made a bunch of these bottle openers now and I know how to make them, I can make them quick, but when someone's trying to make it and it's going wrong and you try to tell them what they can do to fix what was going wrong, that's tricky because it's not like, oh, just hit it here.
It's trying, you know, it's everything. It's their stance, their mechanics, all kinds of things. They might not have coordination, you know, or not.
But like trying to use a language where they can fix the root of what they are doing wrong, other than you're just hitting it the wrong way, hit it a different way, is tricky.
I wouldn't say I struggled with it, but I realized that. That's an additional step that you have to take into teaching this.
Coming up with the words so they understand what I'm trying to communicate clearly and quickly is gonna take a few more times before, especially if people are having particular problems because the whole range of skill sets is so new to them.
But it was fun. It felt good to be teaching again. I bet it did. Yeah, I really had fun.

[11:22] Nice. It was a lot of work for for making these little spikes, although.
You know, Craig made a point about how intuitive it is, and it was pretty intuitive once you sort of, like you said, got the stances right, because you're just you're hammering on things, things that are malleable.
So as long as you're being careful not to burn yourself, you know, it's just think of it like putty.

[11:49] Much harder. Yeah, buddy, buddy, you can't touch with their hands So you have to get dexterous with tools at the end of your hands and make those tools do what you want And that could be like the angle where the the step where you put the hook on it, right?
That's probably the most thing required the most dexterity for the whole thing and After you do a couple of those you get to hang up, but that first time or two it feels weird.
It's Yeah, cuz you're not used to stretching those muscles in that way and wouldn't being in those stances.
No You know, I originally I tried it with The first time I was more what cricks are demonstrated which was right up against it but you were like no you should give it more energy when he was showing a Hammer strike.
I mean you can swing it that way it Takes a little more practice like draw like a most like a pile driver type swing instead of like a arc arcing type swing, Takes a little more practice to get good at that.
So well, the physics is all different, right? because this way you're really using your arm as your energy.
Here, you're using the momentum from the mass as you swing it as the main source of energy.

[12:58] I think he over-exaggerated the swing to emphasize the closeness of the piece, I think.
Would love to find out. I'm gonna witness a lot more of these demonstrations, so we'll see.
You're gonna hear that anvil shriek a lot. Boy, boy, did he talk about anvils for a while.

[13:20] Not about what anvils do.
Not about how they work, but about how you can make money by selling them and how there was probably 15 minutes of just how you can, find cheap anvils and screw people out of money to make your own money.
It was, it was something.
It is something. You're going to hear that a lot. Yes.
Oh, I still need to drink. Yeah.

[14:00] I don't know. I didn't really like that very much to be honest. Really?
Okay. I Felt like I, Yeah, I felt pulled between two worlds I Didn't feel like I was caught like that beer didn't make me comfortable that beer made me stressed out stressed, Yeah, tiny okay, but it was, it was not comforting.
Like I would have expected a Doppelbock to be. So you had expectations of what you wanted the beer to be? I wanted it to be sweeter.
I think sweeter would have really helped it.
I think these glasses need to be rinsed.
Okay, if you feel like we should.
Please rinse, my dear. Yeah, we don't have a dump bucket.
I Guess I look for it like over the last month.
I think I might have gotten rid of it I don't it's easy enough to find another one.
Yeah, I know but it was the dump bucket from Jackson, Wyoming Big old bud light.

[15:14] Wonder how the AI will deal with the water. I'm curious to say oh, it's probably take that out real easy That's practically white noise.
Yeah, I guess so isn't white noise though hard to get out, you I Don't know. We'll see a bunch of different. I bet you it takes it out real good All right a bottle opener.
You would you like to crack this one too, or if you are you satisfied that they're functional?
Yeah They don't really need to I don't have one over here.
I'd feel I feel weird having these around glass All right, we're gonna do the oxbow, Synthesis next all right so this is a barrel aged dark farmhouse ale so we're sticking on the sour note 8% alcohol by volume it is fermented in red wine barrels so we got we still are sticking by the red wine barrel note it might be the same beer.

[16:15] That's a that's a weird label And I remember you were struggling with it Shannon and I can see why they oh, yeah There's no way you can most most of their labels are so what we're looking at is this weird stretched out font And then it's in different colors, like if you were wearing 3d glasses or something, yeah, I think it might make sense, but, And if you're like red green colorblind, it's gonna be a really well Maybe it makes it easier to read because you're not confused by the shapes.
The colors are making If you squint, you can sort of see. Oh, yeah, if you do squint, you can kind of... Squint, really?
Close your eyes so it's really dark. The word synthesis pops out.
It looks like synth-this. Not synth-this. Okay, because the eye is really hard to see.
I think it pops out because you know that's what the word is. I agree. I agree.
But it pops out more. Yeah, so this isn't the only one with a wacky label that's really hard to read. Not all of their beers follow the exact same schema, but many of them do.
So I think we should warm this up too.
Probably, yes. This is barrel-age mixed fermentation. This is an ale, so yeah, this would definitely be better.
It's the color of soda. It looks almost indistinguishable from Coke or something like that. Coca-Cola. Coke.
With, you know, more on the surface, like a nice- Like a nitro Coke. No.

[17:44] I mean the surface of coke is, especially, it tends to be sort of roiling with carbonation or just sort of slick with sugar.
This has those, I don't know, like the slight essence of foam on top so it's a little bit different.

[18:08] So, what else has been going on? So I was in Arizona for a week. That's right.
I went to, it was for work, and I had a good time.
The first day I was there though, so I... Was it the conference or was it for a different trip for work?
No, this is actually our, it was our engineering team retreat. Okay.
So I flew in to Phoenix because I don't want to take a.

[18:42] Flight with a leg another leg on it so I could get a one-way into Phoenix But I can't get one way into Tucson.
Okay, so or one once that one stop so I flew in there and I had to wake up at 4 30 a.m.
Or something like that or that was when I drove at the airport so flights at 730 or, I was waking up at 4 30 to get the airport about 5 30 Really crowded on monday at 5 30 a.m.
Yeah, really crowded the line for the um Tsa pre Was like 15 minutes.
Wow. I went to the second place and then it was a lot quicker.
Wow Yeah, but yeah, it was shocking how crowded it was.
It's so stressful like you get there Like why are there 85,000 people?
Yeah, but I wasn't worried. It was 531 plane leaves at 730 I was not worried about getting there, but it was just like, okay, And then if the Pittsburgh Airport, it's like, okay There's the you come in from the parking lot or drop-off and there's the main gate where all there's these all these people are great He's talking about and then there's this sign where there's sometimes an auxiliary every second screening area open, and you have to go up an escalator and walk across a driveway and go down this hallway and down another hallway.
It takes six, seven minutes to get there.

[20:10] So you're like, is it worth it? What if I get even worse? And is it actually open?
We were told at the end of the line the second thing is open, so you're doing it there, so yeah.
I've never had any confusion whether it was open or not. Oh, I had it happen one time, yeah.
Usually it's a win. and I've never had where I've regretted going that direction.
When I got there, the line was really long, but the TSA pre-line was incredibly short, so.
Well, you probably have this big advantage of a lot of the TSA pre-people are like.

[20:42] I don't know. They don't think they would go to the second check.
They probably don't even think there is a pre-check at the second one.
That'd be my, I mean, I would question it. Is there a pre-check over there?
You know, all right, so they were just talking about the drastic increase in the amount of people that now have TSA pre check. Yeah.
And then it's extending the wait time.
It was there was a period of time when it was really easy to get through.
And now you know, now it's it's, I would say probably about 20% of travelers have it. Yeah.
And it affects the time. but so I got in so leave at 730 get into Phoenix Phoenix was at that point it was still three hours behind so I get in 930.

[21:36] The hotel that I'm going to it was a maybe three or four So I figure out what it did what to do.
I was looking around and there's a reptile sanctuary, And they doing it they do a tour at like 12 30 and so I called up to make sure there was open and You know bought a ticket and got there Really cool place.
I put some pictures on the discord join our discord everybody if you haven't I put a picture of all the of me with a huge, Dumeril's boa about six or seven feet long. Big, big boy.
Real, real puppy dog. Snake, real, you know, also cold.
So I'm sure that he didn't really have any energy to be. Yeah.
Angry, even if he wanted to be. But very much.
I guess that's what they do for those post shots is they make sure that it's not warmed up and ready to strike.
Yeah, it's a big snake so it's going to take a while to warm up anyway.

[22:43] But it was very friendly, nothing to worry about. That's cool.
But you know, like boas are constrictors so you don't have to worry about them.
Trying to no, I mean they could bite you but they don't have fangs.
It's not gonna be that bad. They're more about Trying to strangle strangle things, so People shouldn't be afraid of them.
I understand it's it's like in our DNA to be afraid of snakes.
So I get it but Once you get past that It's pretty cool having a big snake draped over your shoulders.
I had one draped over I will have to post the picture. I'll find it.
Yeah. Yeah, we had a reptile guy come to Microsoft for some it was pretty what he came for the, the main thing that we do a conference and there people were able to touch a lot of the things but Only Shannon got to have the big bow wrapped around her because with Tori's snakes in her experience with snakes.
Yeah so It was pretty cool. He was heavy.
Yeah, it was really heavy Weighs about yeah, probably weigh like 30 pounds or so.

[23:59] Did this dispo was probably like 15 maybe 10 But still it's big big snake big noodle So let's drink some of this beer and then we'll talk more about the synthesis.
We didn't talk about the uh, What we're getting on the nose, yeah.

[24:19] Cherry tart very tart cherry is what i'm picking up again There's a little bit of kind of dustiness, mineral-y, like crack granite type thing.
Straw. I had a note of cheese there.
Give it a swirl. There's a little bit of like toffee, almost tootsie roll, not quite.

[24:45] I've taken up on the tootsie roll.
There's a note of like gorgonzola in there. That carries through in the flavor.
I just moved on to the taste.
It's tangy and tart. There's this there's this funky leathery brett straw thing that's where the gorgonzola kind of plays in too.
I like this. It's a cheesy beer.
And puckery. It's puckery, yes. That sourness goes through all the way.
So first impression is I really love how it's not just like a lactic beer, how there's those Brett flavors in there, there's those farmyard, and then the kind of the quarry, like limestone type flavors as well.
Oh, this is good. Look, feel that body there, right?
I mean, that's one of the things it was missing from the Shuber for me. Mm-hmm.
It's this fluffy, cushiony, almost like... My brain goes to cotton candy, like how the body is.

[25:57] Just has more substantialness than the Shuber had.
The Shuber felt very thin, whereas this feels... It's not quite viscosity, but it's a fullness.
So we really have to thank our listeners because Shannon and I did a bunch of breweries the day we were in Portland and we were not going to go to Oxbow.
And they've just been delicious. But one of our listeners mentioned Oxbow and I'm like, we can swing Oxbow.
But it was really gonna be one more brewery than we wanted to go to that day.
Made the right choice, thank you guys. Oh yeah, thank you.

[26:37] On discord join our discord. The join link is on our website craft beer radio.com.
This reminds me a lot of The beard of Mars that we had from Jolly Pumpkin Jolly Pumpkin way back when yeah I mean that was one of your like pantheon of that's a Hall of Fame beer for you.
Yeah for sure talking the thing that that like eclipsed it to me was actually the Sam Adams was was the Cosmic mother funk.
So it's been so long. I probably don't remember the beard of Mars.
Mm-hmm I remember it being more chalky and charcoal II and this one has a much better up front like flavor Look much less the string probably this this is yeah, if we tried it as I decide it, but I'm I'm guessing this would be better, The new job was 12 years ago Yeah, so the nuance and the comp the cheesy part that comes through how it just plays and teases you and just barely touches really, it's.

[27:37] It's so fucking good because it's not beating you over the head with anything and it's just like three dimensions of sour complexity beyond what you're normally given and Damn it, man.
Yeah, see this is what I was wanting and getting it is very satisfying because yeah, I feel very, very happy and content with what's in my classroom. Fuck yeah.
So at this, this is the largest, not the beer, but the place I was at, the Herptological Sanctuary, it's the largest herptological sanctuary in the country.

[28:16] And a lot of what they do is take in sulcata tortoises.
Okay. So sulcata tortoises are, they get to be really big. They're these African native tortoises, but they get brought to the desert.
They get brought because they start out these little tiny, really cute tortoises.
And there is actually a they then compete because they're just released by people as pets because people buy them when they're small and they get huge.
They get, you know, like 40, 50 pounds and ridiculously big. And they live forever.
And they live for a hundred years. So if they're like 50 pounds their shells are what two feet front to back something like that close to it. Yeah, and.

[29:02] They eat and, They just last Their survivors and their day are they compete with the desert tortoises, which is the native so, What they try to do with this place is when they can, you know, get them into their care so that they can stop some kind of tortoises from being from from Alcapene, the native tortoises.
But so then they have 600 or so tortoises along with some other tortoises.
And even they have some Galapagos tortoises.
They weren't taken from Galapagos, but they were, you know, the lions that were in zoos, you know. Yeah.
And it's it's amazing you're looking at just things just huge pens of like a hundred of these giant guessing they spay and neuter their oh no they're fucking all the time oh really it was great I have videos that's right I did video where they're you know they're I just looked and they're tortoise fucking here tortoise fucking here tortoise fuck here it was And it's neat.
And watching tortoises fuck is hilarious. It's got it and they make noises and it's and there was one that was just like fucking the side of another turtle tortoise.

[30:25] Very, very funny. There's a certain like majesticness to the animal at the same time. There's a certain like this is a silly thing.
But you see, there are survivors and they are very interesting and fun to be around, I think.
Difference between turtles and tortoises. So, all tortoises are turtles.
Turd tortoises in general, the general rule of thumb is that tortoises are land and turtles are water.
But even a bigger point is how they walk.
So turtles are plantigrade, which means basically like their palm is down.

[31:06] You have to think back to when tetrapods first came out of the water.
We're all tetrapods. We all have basically the same arm structure among reptiles.
Mammals and amphibians basically the same body structure including arms and hand structure, so there are lots of things that are planted great like we are planted great, but Tortoises are digitigrade So they are walking on basically their toes, which Cooper does for instance dogs are digitigrade and they have what's called elephantine feet They look a lot like elephants.
Elephants, of course, are also did you do it? They have like a big pile of fat, but it's not as if they're like, like for us walking on our toes is something we can do, but it's hard.
But for them, it's like it's the structure of their of their limbs.
OK, so but that's the way you can tell is that you'll see tortoises sort of walk on their hands or what would you might consider palms and tortoises walk on their digits.
It's a nice thing to know, if you ever need to know.
So I presume then there's turtles that are primarily land-based that walk on their palms. Yes.
Yeah, there are outliers.

[32:29] But that's how you can tell, from what I was told. What was the ABV on this one? Eight. Eight.
It was production time was 26 months and it's keep cool and dark enjoy within five years, Enjoy that's the Good part synthesis from oxbow brewing company portland, maine see this uses the red wine barrels, right because It doesn't feel like it's overwhelmed by the red wine, Tannins and stuff like that doesn't feel like there's been any it feels blended right?
That feels like a good synthesis It absolutely lives up to its name. Yes, sir.

[33:18] So I won't go into what work was like, but it was it was fun being in Arizona for a while and then So come back on Friday.
Great thing about having reptiles as pets is all I do is make sure they had water and I have cameras on them.
So if for instance, I I would have called you, Jeff, and like, could you go over?
But no, they were fine. And then, you know, they got five days, they're fine.
No, no biggie. They don't care that you're gone.
As long as the food's there when they need it, right? But man, getting back, so got back like, I don't know, probably it was close to midnight, Friday night, and I just slept for two days.
Yeah, it's a lot. I mean, especially when you go, you know down there as a work thing, but you got to be on.
Yeah. And that's tiring.

[34:24] I get it. All right. Next beer is going to be when we picked up on another one of our trips.
This is pizza boy brings a perma smile. I'm gonna smile.
Wow, we're going with another one in the wild. Yeah, we really went for the wild stuff today Pennsylvania wild ale fermented with apricots and peaches Interesting, this should have a different character to it.
It's a green bottle. So it might be more sazon-y. It might be a little skunky, six percent Curious, there we go.
Nice big pop on the cork cork was in extra deep took a little extra prime to get it out Oh, extra-deep cork.
Pass that glass over here, Greg. Because I want to pour...
Do the old triad pour where I give this. Baba-boey. Ooh.
I forgot I had this. I keep forgetting I have all these buttons that I can use. Wow!
And I don't really have a good use for them right now.

[35:39] Yeah, fun stuff. So you guys also, you said, what were you doing?
You had stuff to talk about.
Um, I mean, let's see, we had, oh, we had the fundraise last month was the fundraising month for work through Microsoft.
And we did the hot wings hot ones again.
Oh, okay. Yes. I saw some stuff about that on the discord. Yes.
First off. I raised $24,000 for the food bank. Yep. Wow.
Yeah Wow, That was cool.

[36:19] Super cool. We actually took took like the all the mixers and stuff had set up mics.
We did this live stream thing Everything was going fine until one of my direct reports challenged me to drink eight ounces of Iron City with a spoonful of Da Bomb Beyond Insanity in it.
And he did. No!
It was for money. It was a monetary challenge. But I did it.
You are tearing me apart, Lisa! So it's been a long time where like I've been like Play the sound bite.
It's right about now. He realized he fucked up, Because It was boy. Oh Sorry, oh boy it set me back I was worried that.

[37:23] Music.

[37:30] I had to tap out and have someone else help post for a while.
He looked at me and he's like, I gotta go.
He was taking his hoodie off. I wasn't sure if I was gonna shit in my pants or not, so I had to go to the bathroom and it was just gas, but I couldn't tell.
And then yeah, I was just pacing back and forth and finally I just started chugging water and that helped.
But that night I got capsaicin cramps.
Capsaicin, I don't know if you've probably never had these, You have to really overdo peppers, but capsaicin cramps are the worst Because they keep you up almost all night because every time your bowels advance a centimeter It's the pain all over as I understand it. You have taste buds down there.
I Mean and they do effectively the same thing in terms of inform your body as to what's going on They don't inform your brain in your conscious brain like the stuff does in your mouth but the pain was searing, not really hot, but the cramps, like the cramps were intense.
And it started at about 1130 and lasted until about 4am.

[38:40] And, and you kept me up. Yeah, I bet. I mean, as I understand it, what capsaicin does is it latches onto a particular TRP 9 or 19 or something It latches onto it and instead of doing whatever that should do it sends it an overwhelming heat and it gives that thing. So it makes it feel like burning.

[39:06] Yeah, that what about your, Movement yes exhausting parent Perry perennial burning they call them It's funny. I didn't have hardly any.

[39:22] I'm just curious. I didn't have hardly any but it was because I did have to go for like she I, Didn't have to go for like almost 24 hours after uh-huh for some reason because things just Well, I was also like when I caught Cupid, Oh by the time I actually don't wear me by the time I actually went it was less hot than when I get You know five out of five tie and have to go the next day.
See you weren't on the on the toilet being like We have the bidet to the bidets, I mean if you're a pepperhead you have to have a bidet So, yes Hot ones was on a Thursday.
Mm-hmm Friday was when he started getting sick.
So, and you, that means COVID a couple days earlier. Yeah, I got on Tuesday at a concert.
Probably, yeah. I don't think I spread it to anyone else in the hot ones, which is crazy, but.
Did you get your, cause I got my jab. Not the last one. We haven't had one since last fall, but this time last year.
But I was shocked. I mean, you were running a fever, you were sick.

[40:38] And I really didn't think it was COVID. I mean, because we've both been sick and never tested positive. And then all of a sudden, Sunday morning.
He took a test and I didn't even come out to look at it this time because they've always been negative. And I was like, this is gonna be negative.
And then I hear him, yeah.
And she's like, what? Oh my.
And I went ahead and finished getting ready. I had tons of errands to run that day, Sunday.

[41:14] And I was halfway through the day running my errands out 35 minutes from the house and all of a sudden I felt like a train wreck.
It was like, oh shoot.
I don't think I'm escaping this either.
And then we got Tori sick. And then Tori 36 hours after me. So we were all down.
Wow. She recovered the quickest.
And then you. That I got me too weak cuz I knew that was gonna be on a flight and going to Arizona I was like, it's gonna be exhausting.
I better get primed by a view the system for Yeah, this thing as soon as it came out. So Like I kind of missed the memo that we were eligible for another booster.
I would have got it I'm a huge fan of the booster. I just didn't missed it.
So anyway, the beer the perma smile.
We got we got a golden beer in our glasses with little bubbles raising from the bottom.
The aroma has some similarities to the last one. There's a little bit of that kind of minerally-ness, you know that. A little grassiness, maybe?
It's kind of a subdued aroma. It's not nearly as big as the last one. It's lighter.
Which I would expect from this style.

[42:37] Saison-ish Going on to the flavors It's it's a light flavored beer.
Mine's actually still a little too cold. The coldness kind of wiped out the flavor for me So I'm wrapping my hands around the bottom of my snifter.
It's really nice It's really nice.
It's sour without being overly sour it's Got a bit of a green apple thing going on but not like, you know in that green apple way that like Beck's has, just the sourness without having any of the apple-iness.
Does it? Well, really I'm getting a pretty green apple flavor when you were talking about that.
I like painted the picture and I'm like, oh yeah, it's green apples.
Definitely. I'm getting it too.

[43:24] It's so bubbly, like. Yeah. It's so heavy.
It's almost like it's carbonated and the flavors are dancing on my tongue.
It's a good way to put it. It's the bottle in a green bottle, but it's been kept well.
There's no light striking, not even some of that like Saison intended funk, you know, like this I'm not detecting it at all.
Yeah, I'm pretty sensitive to that so if it was there I would be tasting it but no it's it's pretty it's really solid.
It's kind of maybe one of my favorite of Pizza Boy's beers that I've had because I mean they tend to be this sort of stylish.
Like, I remember pizza boys having this sort of style, but this is the best one of them that I've had. I don't recall having another sour from them.

[44:14] I mean, I recall says on from them at least hmm. I Don't think pizza boy and think oh an IPA.
No, I do Stouts, yeah, they do some crazy barrel aged stouts vanilla things, And then they have like if you go right now, they'll have like 70 beers on tap 50 of them will be pizza boys and, 15 of those will be hazy, you know IPAs so and then they'll run the gamut for the other things.
I'm just trying to think back if we've had a saison or something from them.
We picked this up, you know, it's been chilling in the back of the fridge for over a year now. Yeah, we really need to get back there.
We need to get to a lot of places. We need to get back to Oxbow.
Yes, we've, you were in my head.

[45:04] Well, it wouldn't go right now. Weather's starting to get a little rough.
It's fine, it's perfect.
It's the season of the sticks, and here, it's the season of the ticks.
This one's a really good drinker. The sourness is surprisingly underdone, like, not in a bad way, but like, it's, you wouldn't, I don't think you would call this a tart beer, comparing it to other tart beers.
There's some tartness to it, but it's not a tart beer.
I mean, a beginner tasting this would think it was really sour.
Like someone who's never had any sour beers would be like, well, this is really sour. But like even compared to the Oxbow, it's not.
I think the Shubert was a little more sour, almost. I don't know, maybe not.
The Shubert just had too much going on. There was too much going on.

[46:02] I didn't it needed it needed that body needed.
Yeah, the body would have helped I I Think we poised it expectations on it based because of the double Bach on the name.
I would be really curious if we could Somehow go back in time and do that blind, you know, not knowing what they were calling it.
Maybe but I like beers That tell stories.
Yeah, and the stories that are confused confuse me. Sure Yes, and that was a confusing story.
I mean compared to the rest of the lineup it You're making accurate statements, but you know, it's paired up against two other very good beers.

[46:46] So, I think the plan is we'll do one more beer and then we'll do a new cocktail that shit and I've been enjoying Okay on the show.
Yeah, we tried to get because Jeff and I were at this we're at barefoot, barefoot forge, we tried to look for, there's a particular, so I want to make a version of Negroni that I've found called the Kingston Negroni and it requires some specific ingredients.
One of which they had, which is a Capano, what's that one?
It's the small bottle, an Antica, which is kind of a, it's a sweet it has kind of like vanilla notes to it.
Kind of weird for most cocktails because it's a little bit too flavorful for a vermouth.
And, but with this Smith and Cross, which is a Jamaican over-proof rum with all these real funky notes to it.
I think, like I said, Jeff, there's some like petroleum notes on it.
Sounds delicious. It's, it, in, like, yeah, like.

[47:59] Icky in the best way. Icky in a good cocktail way.
And mixed with that, the vanilla and the Campari, there's a sort of magic there.
And it needs that particular Smith & Cross and that particular vermouth to work.
But if you do, because I tried it with actually that very rum.
Oh yeah? It's not quite the same.
There's a magic that happens with the funkiness of the Smith and Cross and the kind of weirdness of that Antica.

[48:36] Gotcha. I'm sure a bigger line of spirits would have it because I got mine at a relatively, you know, it wasn't that much bigger. We recently went to the one that's in East Liberty.
Oh yeah, that's a big one. It's a big one. It's like a warehouse.
And you know, it's it's Pennsylvania it's Pennsylvania so don't don't go there if you live outside of Pennsylvania. Well, yeah They have everything that you can get in Pennsylvania.
Yeah, which isn't Nearly everything no and you could order things in but you're paying a premium plus Because everything in Pennsylvania is like $10 more than it should. Yeah.

[49:17] Need to make another trip that's why I was good at Shelly premiere one thing is interesting now is that we're gonna be surrounded by weed No, because Ohio approved, medical marijuana or recreational marijuana, so Everywhere you go Except for there's a little slice of West Virginia.
You can get to from Pennsylvania. Well in that We're weed weed weed everywhere.

[49:44] Going to Arizona is always fun. Lots of weed. Nice.
There's weed in New York. Yep, there sure is.
Oh yeah, there's weed everywhere you go these days. Weed in Massachusetts, weed in Maryland now. I'll be right back.
Grab me that beer while you're... I'll be right back.
I'll be right back. Alright, I can still pour the beer.
Yes, you can do that. So the final beer on our list is from Magnanimous Brewing and this is Death Mountain.
So this is the this is the switch because we've been doing wild wild wild and now we hit a barley wine.
I guess no we had started with a Doppelbach but I feel like it was wild because the weird... Yeah it kind of presented itself as a tart cherry beer.
But this is also aged in Willett rye whiskey barrels. Oh boy. With vanilla beans.
So adjunct city. It's a real interesting night.

[50:57] And it's pouring with Yeah, it's pouring about like I would expect it's got, a viscosity to it because at 12.5 percent alcohol by volume, The remember that stupid french toast beer we got from founders.
Yeah that we drank Uh had one downstairs and I was cooking up some brats and I needed some beer or something to cook it in I ran down and I thought there'd be like a Corona or something down there and it wasn't like a show I can't put hoppy beers in like what do I have? What do I have?
Don't want to use one of these sour bottles like let's go with that French toast beer.
It actually made this made the onions really good.
Like they were like maple onions, maple caramelized onions. We're talking about our sausage.
Well, yeah, when I put the French toast beer on the brats. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's just sweet so I can see how that would work.
Yeah So yeah Definitely cook with the backwoods French toast bastard, whatever the hell that was cuz it's not good for drinking. No.

[52:04] For this one, yeah Death Mountain magnanimous brewing company.
They're in Tampa, Florida.
We've gone there several times on our trips down there going back, baby They have a great mural on the wall.
That is Michael Jackson as Michael Jackson or which is my beer hunter as you, Because that picture of you standing next to that mural there have been so many people that have said Is that you That's compliment.
So it is the beer hunter wearing a thriller jacket and kind of painted up green like a zombie Yeah, and holding and holding a like a shimmy jealous or something. Mm-hmm, Okay, a lot of malt on this one. You can also smell that that whiskey peatiness.

[53:02] I don't know if the vanilla beans are just... I don't know if that's directly coming through because there's vanilla beans in here or just because of the malts, but there's definitely a vanilla thing.
There's a lot of vanilla going on. So this is darker than you'd expect from barley wine.
Like it's not... The aging whiskey barrels i think that's what it's from yeah so like it almost at first glance it looks like a stout but i guess if you examine it more clearly you can kind of see really dark um ebony i mean you get that lacing or at least oh you get the kind of the viscosity yeah it's not lacing because you know there's no bubbles in this thing but you get this like coating this like liquor coating of the glass.

[53:49] Yeah, the aroma is the rye. Actually, having had rye whiskey lately, like I'm more tuned in, and the aroma on this one, you can tell being tuned into rye whiskey that there's a definite rye whiskey aroma coming off this as opposed to just like bourbon barrel or something. Yeah.
Did you taste it? Not yet, but Shannon and I just like smashed a bottle of dickle drink in these improved whiskey cocktails so kind of tuned into Right right now so, Lots of toffee notes.

[54:28] Oh, there's that spicy rye It's a beautiful builds.
I love the combination the vanilla And the vanilla almost pulls through this vanilla cream thing Like there's a creaminess in the middle of the flavor that really shouldn't be there. There's nothing that explains it.
It's like a coconut vanilla Yeah, but but what is that candy?
It's like a chocolate That's got this the coconut yeah, it's like Well, no when you get enjoy Well, we don't enjoy.
Yeah, it's kind of like when you get those boxes of chocolate candies.
Some of them have a coconut cream inside. Yeah, that's it.
But like, what makes it creamy? It's a barley wine in a rye barrel with vanilla beans.

[55:16] Like somehow they made cream out of it, but I'm not sure what brought it.
It's the combination of the viscosity and the sweetness, I think.
This is really well done. It really is. This has, this doesn't have sharp notes.
It's not particularly astringent, which is nice without being over sweet.
This bottle's better than the draft that we had down there because it had some of the sharp notes you were expecting to find that I was, I was hoping, you know, it would be good enough. But no, this is exemplary.
This bottle is delicious.
It's like just the right amount of carbonation. Look at that, look at the legs.

[56:04] Take a sip thinking cola. See if you get a cola flavor out of it.
Because I just took a sip and there was like a big Coca-Cola kind of thing coming.

[56:16] But that's vanilla too, that's a bit of a... I mean, Coca-Cola to me is more nutmeg.
It's more cream soda or Dr. Pepper or something. I don't know.
But more like anything like RC Cola or his Pepsi is too sweet.
No I'm it's a Coca-cola, but I think it's I think it's the nutmeg like there's something there's some baking spice that's coming through now I think the rise, Okay, cuz giving you know, yeah spicy note.
Yeah, you would get Yeah, warm. It's good call. Mm-hmm, Because I do, like, I feel what you're getting at, there's an after, the aftertaste of Coke is reminiscent of some of the flavors in here.
Coke is way too sweet, but.
Or because it's delicious and everything, you know, Angostura bitters, right? That's nutmeg and other Caribbean spices, right?
So like, there's something that in these, like some of the spicing and stuff kind of is a lot of those flavors you get at a Vango.

[57:34] Yeah, I'm not finding really any flaws here.
It's not over sweet, it's not overbearing with its vanilla. It doesn't taste chemically with the vanilla.
The rye is integrated really well. It's a big beer, but it doesn't taste alcoholic.
I mean, you can tell it's a boozy beer, But it doesn't taste alcoholic So it's a really well ingrained and looking at the label, There's a there is a Zelda thing here going on Oh, yeah, they're big in there because Death Mountain is from the originals I was trying to figure where is that from? Because I know it's not Space Mountain.
It's not like That's some Disney thing because they wouldn't put Death Mountain in something But yeah, that's mountains in Zelda and they have a little Triforce emblem on there.
This is the place We've talked about them before where their merch is just ripping off every trademark.
So they have you know, they're magnanimous They have a big M that looks like the Nintendo 64, I've got one of their stickers on my laptop that I, Think yeah Like they've done t-shirts that like or like a ripoff of like Metallica album covers and you know They just do it until they get like a cease and desist and...

[58:56] That makes some really good beers. They do That was that was excellent, all right, should we pause while I make some cocktails sure that makes sense.


[59:10] Okay, we're back we have the improved whiskey cocktail Uh was watching the how to drink youtube channel great channel.
Check it out. You'll learn a lot about making cocktails It's funny the the tasting notes It's a good show.
And one of the things he's mentioned a couple times is the improved whiskey cocktail.
And the thing that got Shannon and I really like ready to pull the trigger was he did an episode of like, elevate your normal drinks, right?
And like how you elevate an old fashioned, this was his suggestion.
So this drink is rye whiskey, maraschino liqueur from Luxardo.
So it's cherry liqueur, a simple syrup, Absinthe and Peychaud Bitters is what it calls for.
I use a mix of Peychaud and Ango because I think I like it a little bit better, so.
And I have to tell you that.

[1:00:10] I did not believe that there was a way to improve The old fashion.
The old fashion. Oh, there's always a way.
I love them When he makes them, they're just they're fantastic and I didn't believe that it could be improved, but I was wrong.

[1:00:34] Shannon's turned out not to be a fan of a Boulevard e8. She doesn't like the come party. Really?
Yeah So last time we made one she handed it over to me and had me make her an old-fashioned.
Mm-hmm, but because this one The absinthe in here, you probably taste a little bit of the anise or something.
It's like a bar spoon, you know, the tiny little serving spoon, just that much.
It actually even go a little less. I think you went a little heavier on it this time.
Probably could do a little less. I might've spilled a little more.
The bar spoon's hard to fill up. So it spills a little.
But if you watch Greg make it on How to Drink, he always spills. Yeah, yeah.
And then there's orange peel in here. So a little bit of expression.
It calls for lemon lemon.
Yeah, I didn't have any so I think you're close enough.
Um That's pretty good It's a little hotter.
This one's a little hotter. I mean This first time i've made a triple like a three three servings in one mixer, but it it's a for me It's a little spicier a little hotter than I expected.
That's why I thought maybe you put a little too much absinthe in it I'm not getting the big anus, normally, but I have just been drinking crazy beers and things. Well, that could be it too.
Taste buds are all messed up. The thing I really like about a Negroni or a Boulevardier, is it forces you to be a sipper.

[1:02:00] When you get that Campari, the first time you try it, it's bracing and it's kind of bad and then you put it down and you're like, what is this?
Why would I drink this and then you feel like a pull towards it?
There's something interesting about come party that does that at least to me and I think probably you Jeff and I guess not to you Shannon, but, You're you're not gonna be downing a bunch of a Negroni you're gonna be sipping it so It's turned into one of my go-to drinks I find that this drink at least how I normally make it when I do a double, you know I find that one very sippable, like it lasts way longer than an old-fashioned, the same old-fashioned, I would drink in five minutes.
And this drink with the absinthe and stuff makes it more of a sipper for me and it will last three times as long. You know, it lasts 15 minutes.

[1:02:59] I'm not sure why, because it's, I like it even more, but it makes me, maybe I'm more into just drawing it out. Savoring the flavors.
I mean, so I think I've talked about this before, but I really prefer this in an old fashioned, these black walnut bitters. Yeah. Love them.
Shannon prefers the Ango, so I usually make. I do, but I mean, I like the black walnut too.
But I'm usually, if I'm making old fashions for us, I'm not going to make two different shakers full, you know, so I'm gonna.
Put the black walnut. That's fine.
I Dislike gang. Oh, but yeah, but I really like that too. So if you're in the mood for it, just make it.
Okay Yeah Well, we don't have to finish this drink I don't even know if we want to do you want to try to talk about flavors or I mean, yeah, that's good Let's give it a shot.
Okay, so All right, I Don't know if nose really works on a cocktail Like I don't know how much it matters. You think so? Oh, absolutely.
I mean, definitely, because it absolutely plays a role in flavor, aroma, but.

[1:04:07] It's interesting on the nose of this, I'm picking up the cherry. Yeah.
For me, mine, and specifically, I'm picking up the garnish, the orange peel.
The orange peel. The orange peel's bigger.
Yeah. Yeah, the orange peel kind of is the sort of biggest note because I think those aroma oils are coming out big time.
I think we should have sniffed it before we started drinking it too because now it's had some time to, well, we've drank a lot of it.
So in terms of the flavor, there's, wow, the dialogue has to be so different because it's a different quality of flavors, really, that you're talking about.
And it's a different drink entirely than beer.

[1:05:02] But there's a it's it starts with sort of a sugary sweetness.
I think that's the first hit that comes. And then you get a little bit of a spiciness from the rye.
And then you get a lot of the anise note.
Then it's like the orange and cherry come in later. and sort of settle that down.
I think it's the rye that is giving that, the bite, that maybe you put a little more rye in it than you normally do, or maybe, I don't know.
Like I said, I mean, we all talk about, we've had these beers, so.
So I needed three quarters of an ounce of the maraschino in the simple, and the jigger doesn't come in three quarters of an ounce, right?
So if anything, I would have thought I went heavy on those instead of light.

[1:05:58] And then the other thing is, I think the beers that we've drank, like I'm not tasting the anise nearly as strongly as I normally do.
And I'm sure I went heavy on the absinthe.
So, but I can't taste it. At least I can't. So I think the beers tonight.
It's a really distinct flavor for me. And it's really kind of acute.
And the thing is that the absinthe has, At least in this drink, and I think in general, but at least in this drink, the effect is kind of like a horseradish or a wasabi.
It's a clearing of a nasal type thing. Definitely, definitely.
And I don't think it's in a bad way. No, not a bad way at all.
But that's the spiciness, if you will, that comes from here.
Wasabi's a good one. On how to drink, there's two ways is he uses the absinthe as kind of like a bitters to bring in accents and stuff.
He'll use bar spoons like this. He also has it in a little mister spray bottle and he'll just give it a little squirt.
That makes sense. And that probably makes sense to get something like that because it's more controlled.
Yeah, but this is still I mean, I'm I think it tastes just as good as it has Weeks, it's amazing.

[1:07:18] It's a little you know what I would actually go a little bit lower on those on the symbols here I I Think that's I think I did go heavy on the simple Because I didn't have a three-quarter ounce measuring jigger or anything like that.
So I just tried to fill the one ounce up three quarters but it's not it's not cylindrical it's parabolic so it's hard to judge where the three quarters mark is.
We actually do have a measuring cup that has the three quarters of an ounce.
Are you sure that little one that I bought? No that's doesn't have quarter ounce marks. Oh really? No quarter ounce is really small.
I know but I thought it okay I'm wrong.
Quarter ounce of simple is also hard to do I mean simple will stick to your, it's sugar, it's going to stick to whatever surface it's on.
So how do you get three quarters of an ounce? How do you measure that?
I think that's just an experience thing more than anything else.
Well, when I do jigger it, I'll do the simple first and then do the liquor, like the liqueur seconds to help rinse, you know, and less will stick of the liqueur.
Want to get on to the rankings? Sure, I'm ready.
Go for it. All right. Do it.
So, we're not... No, this is not a beer.
All right, we're just doing the beers. Thank you. I mean, if you're feeling it strongly.
No, no, no, no, no. No, I don't want to do that because I'm already feeling very bad about this.

[1:08:48] Don't take it personally. Just like you should not, in the same way that you should not apologize to the robot, you should not feel bad about your judgment.
All right, so we had four beers tonight Mm-hmm instead of our norm so in number four fourth place I am going with the shoe brew shocking.
Yeah Just you know, I don't know it was.

[1:09:16] The tannin in it. It was too strong.
And I'm a wine drinker. I am a cab. So that is my go to, like I love caps off.
And this was aged in caps off barrels, right?
Yeah, but it was body. Yeah. And there was just nothing but tannins in this.
And it just didn't, I don't know, it was all over the place.
I wasn't really happy with it.
Anyways, it wasn't terrible.
It just wasn't, it didn't matter up to the other ones. It wasn't terrible.
Yeah, so, and then in third place, I'm sorry, Pizza Boy, I really love you guys, but I have to say you're in third place, the PrimaStyle. Don't apologize to Pizza Boy.
Yeah, I know, but yeah. Um, I really liked it, um, it was lighter, it wasn't as tart, um, but anyways, mm-hmm. Third.
Second place, which is what I feel so bad about, God, because I love them so much, but, I gotta say Oxbow Synthesis, Synthesis, I can't talk, um, second place.

[1:10:39] It is fantastic. It's really excellent.
Hands down the best barrel-aged farmhouse ale that I've had.

[1:10:55] It was absolutely perfect. Except for it wasn't a barrel-aged barley wine.
Except for the fact that it wasn't a barrel aged barley wine.

[1:11:10] And that magnanimous, they killed it. They freaking killed it. They.
Yeah. Boy, I, man, they nailed it. That Death Mountain was.
Perfect. Take a picture. I did. I did. I already posted on the show notes. Yeah.
I am Johnny on the spot. So should I do the Mary fuck killer?
And then AI will summarize that is some kind of interesting euphemism for Mary fuck kill.
They usually do a really good job at that. All right.
Similar but different. And the Shoebrew ends up in fourth place.
It was a good beer. I like the experimental nature of what it brought, but it was up against the big leagues tonight. So it ends up in fourth place.
I'm gonna put the Permasmile in the third place.
It was very nice, but again, up against the big leagues.
What I liked about that was how it was a little understated in its sourness.
It brought some of the tart fruit flavors through.

[1:12:30] It was, you know, handled very well being a green bottle for as long as it has.
Very well put together beer. Yep, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Could have ranked higher on a different night.
In second place, I'm gonna do the Death Mountain.
Mostly because the number one beer was just bonkers crazy good.
Death Mountain exceeded my expectations.
It was smooth for all of these kinds of beers can be rough, right?
There's things where it can be kind of sharp and astringent, it wasn't.
It brought this coconut cream thing through from magic, none of the ingredients lead towards that, and it brought it, it's very good.
We got more of it to drink in the post-show, and we will drink it.
And then for first place, we have Oxbow Brewing's Synthesis.
This thing was the most subtle and interesting sour beer I've had in a very long time.
It had the mineralliness, the barnyardness, it had some Gorgonzola cheesiness that Greg pointed out.
It had the darkness and the had this light.

[1:13:46] Funky. Yeah, but that was the one that also like I was like, saying like nutmeg and Coca Cola, like a little bit of that too, right?
Yeah, there was no, that was the barley one. That was a other one okay sorry take that back but there was oh i enjoyed it on like, 3x intensity. It's like, that's a sour beer on shrooms kind of thing, right?
You know, that's like, you just enjoy it on a different level.
That's where we're putting it.
All right. Let me snap my photo for reference and go ahead, Greg.

[1:14:20] Okay, so my rankings are exactly the same as Jeff's.
Ah, see, now I even feel like more of a traitor. Don't be that way. Trader to who exactly?
Who you who you were traded to Why?
Like Death Mountain better, Okay Yeah, she was a clear loser here It's unfortunate too because I mean on a different day like you said well you guys liked it more considerably more than I did I was just confused by it.
So So to me, it's an obvious loser.
You gave it a C on your listings. How on a different day could that come out?

[1:15:12] Because I would have to explain the way I rank and that would be in the post-show. Okay.

[1:15:19] So kind of similar to what you said, Jeff, I sort of respect the gumption, but I don't think it worked.
I think that what came out of that is just confusing and yeah just not I didn't like it the pizza boy was really good I didn't get peaches and apricot like yeah I was expecting more like at least like blossom or something like that but But that's fine, because it was good.
It was good, like I said, very well constructed.
Somehow those peaches and apricots just merged together into an interesting, maybe if I really looked for them, but I didn't.
I think that it was because there was too much dancing around on our tongues. Maybe.
We'll try some more of this in the post-show. Yeah, we definitely will.
Death Mountain is absolutely delicious, and kind of everything I want in a barley wine.
So pretty fantastic and in a lot of shows would be number one easy.

[1:16:33] About that ox bowel. The Death Mountain was everything I wanted in a barley wine. The ox bowel was kind of everything I wanted in a beer.
It's got so much to say without feeling like a production.

[1:16:54] There's something about the understatedness of its broadness that comes through, like there's just so much going on.
When, the thing I can compare it to closest to is God's Motherfuck.
I think God's Motherfuck is just a little bit better.
Because God's Motherfuck, every sip I felt I was tasting something different and something new.
This, close to it, but I, I was able to get my head around it more.
But just barely. I mean, not by a huge stretch. If you see this, get it. This is amazing.
This is so good. This is like, what beer can be?

[1:17:42] So it's like when you have a truly fantastic cheese and you're just like, holy shit, I want everyone to try this.
I feel that way with this beer. Holy shit, I want everyone to try this.
This is amazing. How could you not like this? Yeah Yep. I agree.
All right now Well.

[1:18:06] This this part of the show makes me feel like less of a traitor it makes me feel so much better, Because I love the oxbow so much, And it's it's what I want in a beer like you said Greg, yeah, but that's what I'm looking for in a beer that's what I'm looking for in a marriage.

[1:18:32] I'm gonna be more like Oxbow, is that what you're saying? Yeah, you're my Oxbow. I'll just, that's gonna be your nickname for now.
Oxbow. That's not the right picture. So sorry, I'm not commenting on you, I'm commenting on, I'm trying to put the picture in, I put the wrong picture in. I am going to marry the Oxbow, all right.
As much as I really enjoy The Magnanimous and I rated it my number one, I wouldn't, I can't see myself wanting that every day.
I wouldn't want it every day. I would get tired of it very quickly.
In fact, I don't even think.
I'll crave more of it in the post-show. I think we have a little bit more but anyways that that's my fuck You know, that's my fuck.
It's my fuck take it on the side, I'll have it once in a while when I would want something fun and funky, And then I'm killing Shubru I'm sorry Shubru, but I yeah, you just There's too much going on. Greg, would you like to go next?

[1:19:47] Kill the Shoebrew, marry the Oxbow, fuck the Death Mountain.
All right. I'm gonna go a little contrary here, but hear me out.
I'm gonna kill the Shoebrew.
I don't, the Oxbow and the Death Mountain from Magnanimous are both, they're both fucks.
I'm fucking them both. We're gonna have a threesome. And I'm gonna marry the pizza boy Because that one's like the everyday drinker like even the oxbow.
Oh, well, that's a that's a lot of flavor to have all the time Be shocked be be mortified that I'm gonna have a threesome with some beers, but I'm gonna have to marry the pizza boy, You know now I feel betrayed.

[1:20:40] On so many levels. You make a good argument. Because I'm thinking outside the box, breaking the rules.
But will will the Death Mountain, they asked, probably a good threesome.
Or will there be like one person is trying to be like a domination to one person who just wants a sensitive fuck? I think it's a good threesome.
I think they sometimes you got to fuck a gentleman.
It's a good one. It's a good pairing.
If I were OK.

[1:21:19] You're making me rethink my fuck, marry, kill because I think, while I'm not a threesome guy, I just don't feel like I have that in me.
The oxbow's a little crazy and gymnastic and the... No, the other way around. Oh, okay.
Um well I mean if I had to choose in Death Valley and Oxbow it would be the Oxbow so, for the fuck or the Mary well for Eve if I had to choose yeah that's your number one yeah yeah would the Oxbow be overpriced no no you know what no no you You're just going for, you're living life.
I want to live my life with the oxbow.
I want to, I want to be married to something that's gonna constantly surprise me. Every day.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, that's what I did. Yeah. What?
What'd you do? I married someone that's gonna surprise me every day. Hmm, wow. There you go.
Good one, Bear. I know. All right, let's play some music and get the hell out of here.

[1:22:31] Music.

[1:22:41] Listening to beer radio tune in a little bit of that song.
So we'll go back to tune in again next time and join our discord because we're going to start getting more active and we're going to start giving things away.
And she's always promising stuff. I know, I know, but I don't even remember when we make these promises.
No, I know who we owe something to. And I know what I'm sending and I will have it in the mail to you. Do they give their address?
14 days. Give me 14 days. Well, shouldn't they give you their address for us?
Yes. Yeah. Well, you're going to have to private message us on Discord and give us your address.
You know who you are. Writing checks or body can't cash. Oh, my gosh.
With my shit, fuck off your face. It's OK, babe. We're gonna talk about another giveaway on the post show.
Oh boy, she's so generous when she's drunk.
I like this song. I like the beat. Thanks everyone, and goodnight.